Change of Plan

Change of Plan

06,27,2006_compA few days ago, we had a change of plan: we would leave on Monday for the trip instead. So we left yesterday in the RV for Wawa, our first destination. A few hours later, there was an absolutely horrible smell. It was coming from the bathroom. We tried to flush the smell out, but it didn’t work. Thank heavens we went to the Oastler Lake Provincial Park. We emptied the bathroom tanks into a machine they had for RV’s that led to a big hole underground. Then we stayed overnight there. Our first night sleeping in the RV was wonderful. We kept the window screens open and we got a spot next to Oastler Lake. In the morning Sydney even petted a chipmunk and fed him from her hand. Now were on the road again, waiting to get to Wawa.

– Andie Trépanier

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