Video Only

TO THE BROCK: Across the land to the Brock River canyon, just west of Tuktut Nogait National Park, where Cory and his family will camp while Cory paints the arctic landscape....

FLIGHT TO PAULATUK: The Trepaniers board the plane for an hour long flight to Paulatuk, a town of 300 people on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. ...

PACKING GEAR: More packing, this time gear for the whole family for their expedition out onto the arctic land beyond Paulatuk for 11 days....

PACKING FOOD: Now over a month on the road, the Trepaniers dig deep into the RV for food to pack for the flight out to Paulatuk, and the wilderness beyond....

ALPINE HIKE: On their through the northern British Columbia Rockies, Cory, Janet and the girls embark on a 7.5 hour hike into the alpine heights....