Hardcover Coffee Table Book


Foreword by The Honourable Patricia Bovey, FRSA, FCMA, Senator Manitoba


Availability: September 28, 2021 (in stores October)
Publisher: Figure 1 Publishing
Book Dimensions: 11.72 in. x 10.75 in.
Printed in Canada
304 Pages


By Cory Trépanier

With Todd Wilkinson


Into the Arctic: Painting Canada’s Changing North features perhaps the most ambitious body of artwork ever devoted to the Far North of Canada. Cory Trépanier journeyed to the Arctic five times between 2006 and 2018, travelling more than 60,000 kilometres to visit over a dozen Inuit communities and six national parks, sketching and painting en plein air the stunning landscapes he encountered. The result is an awe-inspiring portrait of the breathtaking lands and waters that have sustained the Inuit for countless generations—and are now experiencing tremendous changes that will affect the entire planet.


This gorgeous volume features over 120 paintings, as well as several dozen sketches and photos that document both the process and adventure behind the works. Alongside this vivid imagery are engaging essays that offer insight into Cory’s inspirations and artistic evolution, as well as the challenges facing a warming North. This collection brings home to readers Cory’s unforgettable vision of an evocative land that few southerners may have the privilege to visit, and conveys the urgency with which we must act to protect it for generations to come.


Includes contributions by Billy Arnaquq, of Nunavut Experience Outfitting Services; Robert Bateman; Senator Patricia Bovey; Senator Margaret Dawn Panigyak Anderson; Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario; Wade Davis; John Geiger, CEO, The Royal Canadian Geographic Society; Ron Hallman, President and CEO of Parks Canada, and Dr. Mauri Pelto, director of the North Cascades Glacier Climate Project.

INTO THE ARCTIC Custom Book Branding
Have a company, valued clients, or really big circle of friends and family? We can create customized, branded quantities of INTO THE ARCTIC books for you. Share the wonder of the Arctic and make an impression that will last for years to come, starting with quantities as low as 50 books. Email us to explore at


Availability: Fall 2021

This special edition will feature a new original art print by Cory, signed and number matched to each book.


Other highlights of the Deluxe Art Edition include:
– Edition is limited to 500
– Pre-Order to reserve edition number or select your preferred #.
– Packaged in a handsome clamshell box
– Makes a wonderful family, corporate or collector’s gift


The Arctic is a place where remoteness no longer offers the protection it once did from an uncertain future that will impact us all. For generations to come, INTO THE ARCTIC will celebrate the wonder of our North through Cory’s brushstrokes, preserving this changing land on canvas. A land that has inspired Cory, and that by adding to your collection, will inspire you too.


NOTE: Rendering shows sample art.