
10” x 16”, oil on linen (2018) Caledon, Ontario, Canada I’ve always loved the power and sweeping strength exuded by the majestic pine trees of northern Ontario. Crowns of the Canadian shield.That’s why when I first saw this specimen growing in...

8” x 12”, oil on linen (2020) Háifoss, Suðurland, Iceland. It was a solitary afternoon in this stunning waterfall-lined valley in Iceland. Like the water that poured over the canyon edge, my senses overflowed. I approached the canyon from above, and...

39” x 114” (9.5’), oil on linen (2005) North of Bayfield Inlet, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada The inspiration for this painting occurred while canoeing along a stretch of Georgian Bay. After paddling our way through many ridges of submerged rock, I...

6" × 16", oil on linen (2008) Coronation Glacier, Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada From the INTO THE ARCTIC Project At three kilometres wide, Coronation Glacier is a majestic display of icy peaks and crags in Baffin Island’s Auyuittuq National Park....

16" × 12.5", oil on linen (2019) Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut, CanadaFrom the INTO THE ARCTIC Project A two-hour boat ride brought us deep into Pangnirtung Fiord, where the sound of Billy Arnaquq’s motor faded away.We were told not to...

90" × 66", oil on linen (2017) Wilberforce Falls, Hood River, West of Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut, Canada From the INTO THE ARCTIC Project Painting in the Canadian Arctic has offered me a wealth of new experiences: encounters with wildlife, learning about Inuit culture,...