
We packed up today, which was particularly a foggy day, and we took a boat to go to a fish camp past Paulatuk where we would go out to the Brock Canyons where Dad could paint. When we reached the...

FLIGHT TO PAULATUK: The Trepaniers board the plane for an hour long flight to Paulatuk, a town of 300 people on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. ...

PACKING GEAR: More packing, this time gear for the whole family for their expedition out onto the arctic land beyond Paulatuk for 11 days....

Today was the day to take a plane to Paulatuk, which is a little town out past Inuvik. There are no roads past Inuvik so there is no choice but to take a plane to get in and out of...

PACKING FOOD: Now over a month on the road, the Trepaniers dig deep into the RV for food to pack for the flight out to Paulatuk, and the wilderness beyond....

After a while of driving we had finally made it to Inuvik, the end of the Dempster. We actually made it! It was a bit bigger than I expected. And it had lots of huge buildings. But no Tim Hortons....

Today we drove to a place called “Toad creek” and ate at their restaurant that held a collection of around 72,000 hats. We also tried a buffalo burger from the bison out there. In my opinion, they are much better...