
Unlike Marten just a couple of days earlier, my flight out of Qikiqtarjuaq went off without a hitch, bringing me back to Iqaluit by around 1pm. As there are no flights directly from Qik to my next destination of Clyde...

LEAVING THE FIORD: Ice chunks fall as Cory paints an amazing glacier, and a lunch of fresh char makes for a memorable last day at Coronation Fiord....

With all the amazing scenery that I had already experienced so far, what more could one ask for on an arctic journey? How about fresh arctic char, right out of the ocean and into the frying pan. Billy’s efforts in setting...

Woke up to a spectacular view of Coronation Glacier from the tent, with the sun kissing it here and there as it stretched across the entire width of the fiord. It’s an impressive and incredible formation that I saw a little...

PAINTING ICEBERGS, Part 3: Only a morning left before Cory has to move on to the next leg of his journey. Will he finally get the chance to paddle his canoe out to the alluring iceberg and start his painting?...

PAINTING ICEBERGS, Part 2: With a freshly assembled canoe in hand, Cory heads out to see if he can get a new painting started from it while paddling around the iceberg....

PAINTING ICEBERGS, Part 1: Cory prepares to get up close and personal to an arctic iceberg to paint it by assembling a 16' Pakboat canoe brought along in duffle bag....