
Stayed a little closer to base camp because of our long day yesterday, also, tomorrow, we begin our hike back to parks Canada camp at Lake Hazen. We will definitely need fresh legs for that. Staying closer to camp also...

Slept in a bit this morning, stuck my head outside and all was grey. Seems like afternoon light works better up here, so I’m adjusting my schedule accordingly. Late afternoon brought some breaks in the clouds and shone fantastic light...

PAINTING, AT LAST!: At last, 5 days into the trek, Cory begins his first painting ever in the High Arctic after he and Carl set up camp near the incredible Henrietta Nesmith Glacier....

Arctic hares greeted us this morning as we unzipped the tent door, we had breakfast, then called into Caledon radio for our weekly interview and broke camp to move closer to the big glacier. Leaving the tent and a few...

Today we continued our haul down the lake. Carl reminded me that originally, there was going to be three of us doing this part of the trip. Unfortunately, I had not re-adjusted our gear for only two people. Now, we...

Woke up this morning and began packing gear for a ten day hike to Henrietta Nesmith Glacier. Interrupted by our first encounter of arctic hares.. right in camp, boy, are they huge. Brought our stuff down to the edge of...

IT BEGINS: With gear and food for 10 days on the land, Cory and Carl make their way toward Henrietta Neismith Glacier, but encounter a few challenges in the way....