11 Jul A Change of Pace
Woke up through the night thanks to the wind hammering at the tarp that covered the emergency shelter we were sleeping in. A couple of extra cots were available when we arrived, saving us the need to pitch the tent...
Woke up through the night thanks to the wind hammering at the tarp that covered the emergency shelter we were sleeping in. A couple of extra cots were available when we arrived, saving us the need to pitch the tent...
Stunning weather today, 18ºc and sunny! Back home, that may not sound like much for the peak of summer, but here, it’s definitely T-shirt weather. I guess it’s like the first warm day of spring after the snow is gone....
NEW LAND: Cory explores new land beyond the McDonald River and ends up at a beautiful little lake up in the mountains....
Time to say good-bye to Lake Hazen, today we are flying to Tanquary Fiord, about 100 kilometres south of here. Packing up this time means making sure we leave absolutely nothing behind, this is a long way from home. We...
TO TANQUARY: The scenery changes for Cory and Carl as they relocate to the dramatic landscapes surrounding Tanquary Fiord, 100 km south of Lake Hazen on Ellesmere Island....
Stayed around the Parks Canada camp today, resting our sore feet. Had our tents set up to the side, got caught up with the less glamourous parts of the trip. Laundry, backing up media, and writing journals, etcetera. I also...
Covered more ground on our way back to park camp yesterday. We woke up hoping this would be last fully-loaded hike for a bit. We knew the odds were good because the acting park super-intendant Monty Yanks and one of...
An alarm clock was not needed to wake us up this morning. Carl nudged me and whispered, “There’s a wolf outside the tent.” Sure enough, I could see just his big paws prowling past under the tent fly. By the...
The dreaded day has arrived, breaking camp, and fully reloading our gear, to begin our way back to the camp, twenty kilometers away. Dreaded, because, even though we have been eating enough to shave our weight down a bit, our...
BACK TO CAMP: Cory and Carl head back to the parks camp, but not before a visit from more Arctic Wolves and some Ellesmere painting....