
Read on L'Express website online or read below: En Arctique avec Cory Trépanier Benjamin Vachet Publié le 30 janvier 2012 Into the Arctic II Passionné par les paysages de la mystérieuse Arctique, l'artiste Cory Trépanier partage son expérience dans un documentaire présenté jeudi 2 février,...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] 98.1 FREE FM. London, ON. Host: Derek & Pasqualina  ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1290 CJBK, London, ON. Program: The Biggs Show Host: John Biggs  ...

Read on The London Free Press website online or read below: Freeze-frame Dec 1, 2011 The London free Press By Kathy Rumleski Being the artist and filmmaker that he is, Cory Trepanier was not going to let a breathtaking vision get away from him, even...

Read on The Gazette website online or read below: More than just white paint Dec 1, 2011 The Gazette By Brent Holmes When Canadian artist Cory Trepanier started Into the Arctic: An Artist’s Journey to the North, he often heard jokes that he would need...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] 88.1 HCESFM, Erin, ON. Program: The Morning Show Host: Erin Montgomery  ...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] CBC Radio, Windsor, ON. Program : The Bridge Host: Bob Steele  ...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] 98.1 FREE FM. London, ON. Host: Derek & Pasqualina  ...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] CBC Radio Canada, Windsor, ON. French. Host: Lisette Labeoufe  ...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] AM 800, Windsor, ON. Host: Peter Langille  ...